Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Clinical Dentistry: Should Dental Professionals Practice Botox & Dermal Fillers?


Clinical Dentistry: Should Dental Professionals Practice Botox & Dermal Fillers?

A lot is being talked and argued about the administration of Botox by dental professionals in India. Many dentists believe that Botox and Dermal fillers belong to dermatology and dentists should not perform these procedures; which is actually a misconception. This misbelief is because not many dentists in India are aware of the significant benefits that Botox has as an adjunct therapy in many dental procedures.

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Use of Botox in dentistry is relatively a new discovery, so probably its acceptance will take some time among Indian dental professionals. If you are a dentist practicing in India and have the same misconception then this blog is for you. I am hopeful that after reading this article your false impression will fade away to some extent.


The first thing that I want all the dentists to realize is that we are part of the medical sphere and we dentists are “real doctors.” Every time when we inject LA into a patient, we are delivering a medicinal agent into the human body that has real systemic complications. The only difference is; we have received special training and mastered to deliver local anesthetic into the human body and are comfortable in dealing with the complications. By the way, I would like share a fact that the adverse reactions and complications associated with the LA that we use every day in our dental practice are far more serious than those with Botox and Dermal fillers.



After training hundreds of dentists in India; I can say that, with proper training on Botox & Dermal fillers even you can become equally comfortable in administration of Botox like you are with local anesthetic. In fact I believe that we dentists can do it better in relation to other medical professionals when it comes to head-neck-face region as we are specialized in it.


Here are some dental treatments where you can use Botox & Dermal fillers:


1. Temporo Mandibular Joint Disorder

2. Bruxism

3. Facial Pain

4. Gummy Smile

5. Full Mouth Rehabilitation

6. Smile Designing


All the problems that I have mentioned above fall in the realm of dentistry and dentist. I believe, no other medical professional can do justice to such dental originated problems except a dentist. So let's not take these issues as a profession and stop letting politics get in the way of science & common sense. If you still feel that Botox and Dermal fillers are not for dentists then you seriously need to re-think!!!


I will share some of the cases that I have treated with Botox and Dermal Fillers in my upcoming blog posts.

Source : DentistFriend

Monday, 18 October 2021

3 Reasons: Why Every Dentist Is Special!


3 Reasons: Why Every Dentist Is Special!

The Hollywood movie “The Hangover” is too much of laughter but not if you are a Dentist ;).Many of you might have experienced that embarrassing “Hangover Moment” when your friends say “You are just a Dentist”. if that has not happened with you yet; then you are a lucky dentist!!

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I have learnt it very well on how to close my eyes to such sarcasm and of course there are great reasons to it. What others think about my profession does not bother me for a simple reason that they are unaware of what it takes to be a Dentist. I don’t mind them saying that I'm just a Dentist but I want them to know why Every Dentist Is Special.


There are many reasons why dentists are special; here are few to list:


1. Smile Makers


We are the preacher's of worlds universally accepted language..

We work to boost your self confidence by redesigning the way you smile.



 Being a dentist is awesome!


We decide who should wear a crown, 

We plan bridges like engineers,

We extract roots like mathematicians, 

We make people suffer like bankers, 

but the most fantastic of all is that we make people Smile more like clowns. 

Laugh to show those beautiful teeth that we've made !



We don't make the world turn round but we MAKE THE WORLD SMILE!!!


There's a great dentist

Behind every beautiful smile..


2. Dentistry is combination of diffetent professions.


A Doctor (As we have to have knowledge of science to give a right diagnosis)


An ENgineer (As we have to have knowledge of oral mechanics for perfect treatment planning)


An arTIST (As we have to work with great precision in an area with limited access)  




3. Service To Humanity


We make dentures to help the elderly to eat with ease and bring back life to their lives.

We save lives with oral surgeries & facial reconstructions.

We are the real heros for all those bride's, we helped fixing smile.

We help to get rid of the most severe pain with root canal treatments.

And not to forget,

We are the reason for millionas & billionas of halitosis free kisses.



There's a great dentist

Behind every beautiful smile

And I am proud to be one...

Proud to be Dentist!

Source : DentistFriend

Thursday, 14 October 2021

Students Corner: Process For Getting Migration Certificate From MUHS Nashik


Students Corner: Process For Getting Migration Certificate From MUHS Nashik

A Migration Certificate is required in case you are switching from your previous university to a different university for further education or any other reason. It's a kind of "No Objection Certificate" that has to submitted for joining new university. In this blogpost I am going to share the process on how to issue Migration Certificate from Maharashtra University Of Health Sciences, Nashik. But don't worry, even if you belong to any other university, the overall process is very much common. Here are the steps that you have to follow:

To search best dental jobs or to hire dentist for clinic visit our dental portal

STEP 1: You can download the application from official MUHS website or Click Here To Download. Once you have the hard copy of the application form, fill in the details and follow step two 

STEP 2: You will have to issue a No Objection Certificate/Letter from your college authorities by filling an application for “Issuance of Migration Certificate”.  Make sure all the details are filled correctly with signature of Dean with College stamp. 

STEP 3: Once you have the application form and NOC ready as mentioned in step1 & 2 respectively; attach the bellow mentioned documents.


1. Original College Leaving Certificate Specially mentioned with “ISSUED ONLY FOR MIGRATION PURPOSE”

2. Attested copy of Statement of Marks of the Last Examination appeared.

3. Attested copy of the University Internship Completion Certificate in case passed the Final Year Examination.

4. Original Affidavit by a Bonded candidate of Govt./ Corp. College, if any. 

5. Letter/ Undertaking of Applicant’s College Authorities in Original.

6. Original “Affidavit Gap Certificate”, if any.

7. In case Duplicate Transfer/Leaving Certificate is submitted, attach the original F. I. R copy, original affidavit towards Duplicate Transfer/Leaving Certificate.


STEP 4:  Once you are done with above steps, you will have to submit the application form with all the mandatory documents along with a Demand Draft (Demand Draft should be from any Nationalized Bank drawn in favor of “The Registrar, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences” payable at Nashik.) on below mentioned address.



1)      By registered / Speed-post =  1000 INR

2)      Urgent / Speed-Post =  1500 INR


ADDRESS: The Registrar Office, Maharashtra University of Health Science, Vani - Dindori Road, Mhasrul, Nashik, Maharashtra 422003


PLEASE NOTE:  If you submit the application before 11.00 am the certificate is issued on same day before 5.00 pm but in case you get late the application will be processed on next working day. I have mentioned the complete process for issuing Migration Certificate from MUHS Nashik still I would advice you to go through the official MUHS site or contact the respective university before proceeding. 

Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Career Options After BDS From India


Career Options After BDS From India

Are you confused with what to do after your BDS? Read on, probably you will get your answer.
Napoleon said, "The starting point of all achievement is Desire". So dear anonymous, first get it clear in your head, how do you daydream yourself like? 

What is the best dental course after BDS in india to know visit our dental portal 

Is it that you want to be that Dentist who could treat even the most complicated cases with superb finishing; Is it that you want to be known as a researcher and develop advanced dental materials or carry out some large scale surveys, do you want to go slow and steady-learn and explore and finally take a long term settlement; are you a fairly forceful personality who see yourself in a corporate environment-in your chamber controlling things and people around you; do you hate being in this field and think B.D.S was a forced error; or do you say damn doesn't matter how, but I just want to earn some money while I am young and enjoy life!

There are many awesome avenues after B.D.S. and they are all excellent!!! Provided you choose the one you like, and then you tread that path with complete devotion and honesty. B.D.S. is fun, I mean even if you are an insincere student, no matter how bad your teachers were or how average your scores were etc., that was all fun-after graduation comes the serious part of life. So leave all your insincerity (if any) in the college life itself and step in the professional world as a
goal oriented person.

If you are interested in clinics, focus very hard on exclusive P.G. prep and try to get clinical M.D.S. from a government college, failing so, if you may afford, purchase an M.D.S clinical seat in good private college and do not waste precious years, just get rolling in continuity. M.D.S. gives you a maturing curve and makes you a specialist-good consultant may earn up 3-4 lakhs a month. If you do not want to study and still are good at clinics, set up your own clinic, do those little hands-on courses, be pro active in promotion of your clinic, work sincerely, you will earn handsomely. After B.D.S, if you are confident of your ability, you may go to places like Maldives who offer you over 1 lakh/month for a fairly undemanding practice. If you are good at dentistry, you may also try D.D.S. in U.S., yeah, it needs Nat board exams and sometimes M.S. but still worth all the labor, you will end up earning much more than in India in the longer run. If you areresearch oriented go for M.S. in bio-materials, or, seek a PhD program, 5-6 years looks long from here, but when you complete it, you would have frog leaped your peers.

If you did not enjoy that art and sculpturing, if you were a very good convincer, yet had an average finishing with your work-that student who would always work out of the phantom heads, or convince batch mates to work for you, then you may go for allied options like M.D.S. in community dentistry or for that matter O.D.M.R. Community work gives you a possibility to work with W.H.O etc, For staying connected to dentistry, yet, not having to work as a clinician M.P.H in India or D.P.H. in U.S. are good options. You may also go for M.H.A. or M.Rural health after all these 2 yr courses, you would earn decent in India or abroad.

In the end, even if you don't know how to extract a grade 3 mobile incisor, you may still set up a clinic, convince people for specialty practice and still end up earning more than an average skilled practitioner. You may go to Australia and do M.B.A. and while you still study, earn a decent amount doing weekend jobs.

Even if you become a millionaire, you cannot buy that beaconed car labeled Government of India-if you loved that sight and work for a larger public base, you may try U.P.S.C. exams after BDS as well. The Short Commission in INDIAN ARMED FORCES is one fine life defining job, you are an officer there and no work carries more pride and honor than working for the Indian military.


Mate, after B.D.S. you have some fantastic cards in hand, and it is a win-win situation no matter what you pick, when you got in B.D.S. you may have been 17-18 and many a times it is just an impulse decision to do B.D.S., but now you are mature enough to think about your get it clear, choose one and go for it, leave no scope for regret after choosing and if you are sincere in your field, you will end up a winner!!!

P.S.- get out of that anonymous, we all have sailed the same boat.

Source : DentistFriend

Monday, 11 October 2021

How To Choose Your Air-Rotor Handpiece?


How To Choose Your Air-Rotor Handpiece?

Air rotors are honourably the extension of a dentists working hand and the clinician today is extremely dependent on the optimal performance of his/her rotors to ensure a smooth functional practice. The dental handpiece of today is a sophisticated amalgamation of precision parts moving in seamless synchronization at extremely high speeds. This arrangement delivers a smooth, powerful cut that allows the clinician to stroke through hardened tooth structure with ease, leaving a smooth, clean preparation margin, with reduced trauma to the patient and the clinician.

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Let us understand a little about how to choose an airrotor handpiece.

In order to be able to choose the correct high speed airrotor for the practice; it is imperative to understand:

a. The anatomy of the airrotor

b. How the airrotor functions



An airrotor consists of two main components: The outer shell, and The inner turbine


1. Outer Shell

The outer shell is the long tubular portion that makes up the body of the instrument. This outer shell is further divided into head and sheath. The head holds the turbine and sheath forms the handle that harbours the air and water supply.

Outer shell is made in one of three materials:





Inexpensive material

Easy to machine

Soft material

Susceptible to easy denting

Stainless Steel  (SS)

Lighter than brass 2956

Stronger than brass

Higher manufacturing costs


40 percent lighter than SS

Stronger than SS

Greater corrosion resistance than SS



2. The inner turbine cartridge

The inner turbine cartridge is the workhorse of the handpiece sitting encased within the head of the outer shell. The rotary system consists of an impeller / rotor mounted on a spindle/chuck assembly supported on either side by precision ball bearings and suspension O-rings.



As air from the compressor is introduced into the handpiece via the foot pedal, it gushes through the airline attached to the back end of the handpiece (i.e. coupling); from where it goes up through the handpiece shell into the head and is forced over the impeller of the turbine. As the impeller catches this air, it begins to rotate clockwise at high speeds causing the spindle to rotate with it (like a wind mill). The bur is physically locked into this spindle/chuck assembly thus allowing drive air energy to be productively converted into rotary motion setting the bur running.


Turbines rotate at speeds of about 400,000 rpm, faster than anything else on the planet. It is important to understand that not all these rotations reach the tooth.


Turbine speeds are categorized as free speed and active speed. Free speed is the maximum rpm with no load (bur is running free in air). Active speed is the actual speed the turbine is reduced to when the bur contacts the tooth structure (bur is actively engaged against the tooth). Most air rotors have an active speed in the range of 180,000 to 200,000 rpm (about half of the free speed) depending on the contact pressure. This is where the torque of the handpiece comes into picture.


“Torque” is the measure of the hand piece’s ability to remove tooth structure. The greater the torque available to operate the cutting instrument, the less physical demand is placed on the operator’s hand and wrist.


When selecting an airrotor always keep patient and personal wellbeing at the forefront. Investing in an initial cost effective handpiece system may compromise patient health and invite occupational hazards. Cheap air rotors may quickly add up to become a significant capital expense in the form of repair costs.


Few factors one must consider when selecting an airrotor are enlisted below:

1. Head Size:

There are several head sizes of high speed handpieces available ranging from 9.8 x 8.5 mm to 14.5 x 13 mm. Most manufacturers offer different models featuring a large and a small (miniature) head design.


Small head sizeimproves visibility and access, especially in the posterior region and with children. However when a long bur is used in a small head airrotor; it can exert significant lateral stresses on the turbine reducing the life expectancy of the cartridge.


Larger head size: incorporate a larger turbine impeller with higher torque and power output. More cutting power equals less time involved in tooth preparation.

It is best to keep one of each head sizes; using the large head more routinely and switching onto a miniature head as and when access or visibility becomes a concern.


2. Head angulations:

The typical handpiece head is angled back at 22.5 degrees. This ensures that the bur remains in line with the clinician’s sight. However, this can sometimes restrict access to posterior teeth (especially distal of maxillary second molars) by causing the back end of the handpiece head to come in premature contact with teeth in the opposing arch.

Newer designs feature a unique head angle to increase posterior access and patient comfort.


3. Types of tubing connection:

The base of the handpiece has holes; each of which serves a specific function

2 hole handpiece: Usually the standard in India where the large hole is for air and the smaller hole is for water. As there is no port for used air to escape such airrotors are loud.

4 hole handpiece: Usually the standard in the U.S. and Europe. It has two large holes for air intake and air escape which ensures less noise and allows the bur to halt faster upon releasing the foot pedal. The other holes serve the function of water intake and chip air which ensures the water jet escape as fine mist and not water droplets.

A simple coupler can be used to help convert a 2 hole handpiece into a 4 hole one.


4. Bur retention mechanism:

Standard Screw-Type: The spindle and chuck are separate and a chuck device is used to insert and remove the bur

Push Button-Type: The spindle and chuck are a single assembly and a push button cap on the handpiece head is used to open or close the chucking mechanism. This is easy to use and time saving.


5. Ball bearing material:

The heart of the turbine is the delicate ball bearings. Usually fabricated in either stainless steel or ceramic. Ceramic is usually the preferred choice as it is harder, weighs less with greater abrasion resistance and thus longer life expectancy.

6. Ergonomic Design:

The handpiece holding time (number of minutes the clinician spends holding a handpiece) constitute a significant portion of a functional day, and over the course of a career, long-term occupational hazards may manifest from holding an imbalanced airrotor.

When held in the functional position the balance of the handpiece should be neutral or slightly towards the handpiece head. A heavy handpiece may lead to early fatigue during procedure. Manufacturers are trying to work with lighter weight materials especially for the shell to help decrease the overall load on the clinicians hand when working for long hours at a stretch.

Handpiece shell can be either knurled or smooth. Most clinicians prefer the knurled finish as it improves grip with gloves. It is important that the knurling not be too deep or too close so as to compromise handpiece cleaning and sterilization


7. Water Delivery:

A water jet helps keep the prepared tooth cool and the helps evacuate debris from the work field. A multiport (usually three to four) spray emanating from the face of the handpiece is far superior then a single water port as they have a significantly higher cutting rate.

The multiport provides even distribution of coolant water over the entire surface of the tooth and prevents the water spray from being blocked when preparing the distal surface of a tooth or while removing temporary restorative material from an endodontic access cavity (a common problem with a single water vent).

The direction of water spray is very important. An ill directed port shoots water off the bur and air becomes the coolant which is ineffective in dissipating heat.


8. Light source:

Improved visibility of the treatment site is always desirable. Instruments with an integrated light source, which illuminate the treatment site directly, have massive impact on the quality of treatment rendered to the patient.

Handpieces are one of the most important workhorse systems in the dental practice. They have received immense attention in the recent past and never materials and techniques for fabrication show promise towards increasing functional harmony and longevity of these instruments.

Regardless of quality and price; logical reasoning behind choice of a high speed handpiece and a diligent maintenance protocol can go a long way in ensuring seamless functioning and quality driven dentistry. This article describes a few important aspects to be considered when choosing an airrotor handpiece.

Source : DentistFriend

Smile with Confidence Again: Explore Braces Treatment in Badlapur

  A confident smile can light up a room, and if crooked or misaligned teeth are holding you back, braces treatment can be the answer. For...