Thursday 24 February 2022

Facts & Myths About Use Of Botulinum Toxin in Dentistry!


Facts & Myths About Use Of Botulinum Toxin in Dentistry!

In my previous blog post we discussed about dental treatments that are possible with botox and dermal fillers. If you are convinced with the fact that Dental professionals should practice botox and dermal fillers then continue reading this post where I am going to give you further information about botulinum toxin.

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What is botulinum toxin?


Botulinum toxin is produced by gram-positive anaerobic bacteria Clostridium Botulinum. Botox is a trade name used by Allergen for Botulinum toxin and basically it is a purified form of botulinum toxin which has both aesthetic and therapeutic uses. The trade name Botox has become so popular that people recognize trade name better than its actual name; just like we use the trade name Xerox for photocopy. Many of us get afraid to hear the word toxin but botulinum has the real role to play in dental treatments. It is the toxin that helps to age gracefully.


Are there any variants of Botulinum Toxin?


Yes, there are seven type of botulinum toxins which are available to us. It is from type A, B, C, D, E, F & G. The one which is used most commonly is type A; however if any individual gets resistant to type A then we can use type B botulinum toxin. The type B botulinum Toxin is known as Myoblock.

Botulinum Toxin is available to us from different pharmaceutical companies.  There are several other trade names of botulinum Toxin like Desport, Neuronox and there are many more apart from Botox.


How Botulinum Toxin works?


Botox has its action on the muscle; it acts on SNAP 25 and doesn't let the muscle contract. It takes around 1.5-2 hours to bind to the nerve and it can take anywhere between 2 to 10 days to show full clinical effect. The effect of botox last from 3 months to 6 months varying individual to individual.


Some common Myths & Facts about Botulinum Toxin


Myth: It is new and not tested.


Fact: Botulinum toxin has a history of more than 20 years. And there are thousands of research papers available on the same.


Myth: It will give us botulism or else I will loose sensations and will have a plastic face.


Fact: None of it is correct. The lethal dose of botox is 2500 units to 3000 units which is 25 to 30 vials which is a lot of money to kill someone. A 100 unit vial of botulinum Toxin costs somewhere between Rs.18,000- Rs.20,000 INR


What do I have to know for getting good results from botulinum toxin?

For getting good results from botox injection one needs to understand the anatomy of the face or the areas where they want to inject botox.

Source : DentistFriend

Tuesday 22 February 2022

Being Dentist: Love It, Live It, Worth It!


Being Dentist: Love It, Live It, Worth It!

They say dentistry is saturated and you won't find the scope even if you see through a microscope. The most common advice these days is ‘Don’t spoil future of your kids by getting them into BDS Course. I wonder why, so much of negativity all around? Is the scenario really very bad these days? Is the truth really very demoralizing? Answer is ‘NO’ A BIG “NO”, rather I would say that we need to change the perception towards our profession..

Visit the dental portal in india to know all dental courses, Write blogs and participate in discussion forums.

Let’s do a quick comparison of hourly income of an average Indian dentist with other professionals.

A well placed corporate guy with an experience of 3-5 years, works at least 8 hours daily under hell lot of stress & has an average hourly income of Rs. 500. A general physician has hourly income of around Rs. 2000; provided the consultation fee is Rs. 500 & he gets to see 4-5 patients every hour. 

Whereas when it comes to a dentist, the hourly income varies based on skills, Location of practice & with every treatment but it is far better. 

In short sky is the limit!! When the hourly income is so high, where's the problem?

Source : DentistFriend

Sunday 20 February 2022

What After BDS: Clearing The Confusing Clouds


What After BDS: Clearing The Confusing Clouds

After my last post on What After BDS? I have been getting lot of emails from young minds to help for guidance for abroad studies. I have been in that stage where you do not know what do to and need some expert advice. 

DentistFriend is a best dental portal in india where in you can search dental jobs, clinical dental courses, second hand dental chair and setup

Here are few things you need to think about when you plan your future

If you have just cleared your final year or internship, you may not have a clear idea about which subject to choose. I would suggest get in to general practice for a year. Do all kinds of dentistry. In this one year time, you will develop a liking for a subject which you would like to pursue masters in. This one year will also add to your resume about what kind of clinical experience. Most colleges (outside India) do not entertain freshers for masters program. They need at least 1-2 years of clinical experience for application. This is applicable for clinical and management programs.

Future Plan:
Plan to settle abroad or come back? - Most countries do not recognise our Indian BDS. They do consider you for Masters/BDS but you cannot practice in their country without passing the licence exam. Clearing the license exam involves studying, time and money. So if you are sure you want to settle in that particular country you can start preparing for the license from day 1 or just study and come back.


Another important aspect. Arranging finances can be difficult for few people. Full time courses are very expensive. You can look out for part time courses which are less expensive. If you plan to settle in that country, you have to be prepared for all kinds of expenses and probably some familial help to get you settled. You can always apply for loans and get started with.


Most major countries do give a student visa. It also depends on the country and course. I am wondering the state of USA visa if Trumph wins!! It’s not that easy to crack in the UK visa for work permit because you need to get an employment letter after the degree which may not be easy for everyone.

Young minds- are very enthusiastic. I know this because I was one. You should talk to lot of people who are in different countries. People who have settled from India to abroad in recent times. Their struggle stories are real eye openers. It may be easy for a few but majorly people take about 3-5 years to settle down. This should make you think about the time and money invested in all this. Are you ready for this kind of commitment and dedication? I am not writing this to demoralise you guys. But you should know the non glamorous side also before putting your foot in it. Do not just blindly follow someone coz its looks so pretty!

Hope these points will help you guys think on the right track and take proper decisions for future life. Stay tuned in for more action….


Read Part I : What After BDS: Earn And Learn! WHY GO ABROAD?

Source : DentistFriend

Monday 14 February 2022

How To Make Your Clinic A Patient Magnet?


How To Make Your Clinic A Patient Magnet?

Our clinics are supposed to be healing spaces rather than fear creating spaces. Patients are more scared to walk in a dental clinic than walk in a general hospital. Are we not ready yet to break that stereotype of being painful clinics??


Visit the dental portal in india to search best dental jobs, or to hire dentist for clinic.


What’s in name??


Who does not like luxury? Add that extra x factor to your clinic. Have a nice innovative name. Now a days “spa” and “boutiques” are trending. Small addition may add that “chic” factor to your practice. Of course when you write spa…you need to do justice to the name. Have that kind of ambience that will confuse the patient if he in for a real spa!!


So what things incite fear in a patient and make our dental clinics an unpopular place to visit?

  1. 1. Pain, of course.

  2. 2. Hearing somebody cry or yell due to pain.

  3. 3. The typical hospital smell.


Painless dentistry- is not difficult to practice. Conscious sedation, oral sedation, magic wands for local anaesthesia….there are countless ways to do it!



Sound proofing??


Your dentistry may be painless for the mouth but you have to make it painless for the ear too! Some patients do complain of the hand piece noise that makes them irritable than any dental procedure. I have had to put on some earphones for few patients to calm them down and prevent them from hearing the hand piece noise. So what can we do??


  1. 1. Sound reduction hand pieces are available. They may be expensive but if you have clientele that demands such kind...why not??

  2. 2. Sound reduction headphones...they absolutely cut off any outside noise.

  3. 3. Scaring other patients?- You may use sound proof door and windows to prevent any chair side noise that may scare the patients in the waiting room

  4. 4. Increased insulation of walls and doors to absorb sound.

  5. 5. Planning a waiting area away from treatment room.



I smell fear!!!!!!


Leave alone patients, until I became a dentist, I would also relate going to a hospital with smell of spirit and I would feel nauseated. Most patients relate lot of situations with the smell. Many "people have a fight-or-flight reaction" to the sights, sounds, and smells of a dental office. This is the beginning of the fear development. To break that negative thought, air fresheners can be used. They not only create a pleasant environment but also reduce patient’s anxiety by calming the nerves. You can have orange, rose and lavender flavours which have shown to improve the patients mood and reduce anxiety levels (Trying to create a spa! Remember!)



What more??


Show an Waiting area-you can have some soothing photographs and music to relax the atmosphere rather than patient and procedure photographs.intra oral view of teeth to a normal regular non dental person. Most feel disgusted. I was once removed from my own family group for posting an intra oral picture of great work I did. But your patients don’t care about your good work in bold fully blown up pictures. So save them for consultation.

You can add in trendy magazines and board games for fun and this will be a distraction and help them pass time in the waiting. Fresh flowers or plants also help relax patients. Having plants or greenery around reduces pain perception. If you are an aquarium person, make sure your aquarium has clean water and no dead fish!

Temperature of the clinics- the patient should neither feel too cold nor too hot. The temperature should be well adjusted for them to feel at “home feeling”

Declutter your reception of unwanted stuff. There are so many things like pamphlets . These will help your area look neat and clean giving an impression of a well maintained hospital. There are many more simple ideas that can help you to make your clinic a patient magnet, for more of such innovative yet simple ideas stay tuned for part 2…………….Coming soon



More Blogs From This Author:

      What After BDS: Earn And Learn! WHY GO ABROAD?

      What After BDS: Clearing The Confusing Clouds

Source : DentistFriend

How To Design A Digital Marketing Plan For Your Dental Practice?


How To Design A Digital Marketing Plan For Your Dental Practice?

In this blog, let’s see things to consider while setting up marketing plan for your dental practice?


DentistFriend is a best dental portal in india where in you can search dental jobs, clinical dental courses, second hand dental chair and setup.

1. Budget


The rule of thumb says that you should invest at least 10% of your annual revenue in all the possibilities that has potential to grow your dental practice but if you have started your practice recently then in that case you can even start with zero budgets.



2. Media


Let’s consider your 10% yearly revenue as your 100% marketing budget. Now you have to make sure that you use this budget in multiple activities throughout the year & not on just any one activity.


Your activities may include staff training & development, CSR, Internal marketing, Digital Marketing but make sure that all of these activities are within DCI guidelines.


Now let’s understand which activities you should focus more?


The mode of activity will completely depend on
Your location
Differentiation of practice
Stage of your practice
Treatments you offer
Education level of your potential patients etc.



Let me explain this with an example,

Suppose if you practice in a rural area then what’s the use of spending money on digital marketing as there will be minimum chances of getting ROI. This doesn’t mean that you should refrain from digital marketing but try to use only the free tools and spend your budget on other activities. 


Let’s take one more example, if you practice in tier I city and have differentiated your clinic for Painless dental treatments then most of your budget should be allocated to digital marketing. 


In upcoming blogs I’m going to tell you about platforms that you have to use specifically in digital marketing, but till then make sure that you have a complete clarity on your basic marketing plan.

Source : DentistFriend

Smile with Confidence Again: Explore Braces Treatment in Badlapur

  A confident smile can light up a room, and if crooked or misaligned teeth are holding you back, braces treatment can be the answer. For...