Monday 1 November 2021

Communication Tips For Beginners In Implant Practice


Communication Tips For Beginners In Implant Practice

A decade back when I started Implant practice, I used to think that implantology is a complex procedure but realized it later that the procedure is simple and not the communication part. Over these ten years I made mistakes, learnt from them and tried to improve myself on both aspects of implantology. Even I faced complications sometimes but trust me 90% of these complications were not related to the implant procedure but the communication with patients. I have observed that, usually doctors become master in implant procedures in short time but they lack the art of communication which is equally or in my words even more important. Unfortunately I was not that lucky to have somebody to tell me on how to communicate and most of the things that I have shared below have been learnt/discovered by myself. 

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Here are few tips for beginners who have started implant practice recently:


1. Instead of trying to convince the patient for implants, always try to explain implants.


2. Even before explaining implants to patient make sure that you are very much convinced that implant is really the best option for the respective patient, then only you can explain it very well to patient.  


3. Remember ethical things are always easier to explain for every doctor and are always digestible to patients.


4. Never do false promises like "It will be free of complications till you live" etc. Any dental procedure right from RCT to Crown & Bridges or even simple filling may fail. Same way Implants can also fail and there can be many reasons for failure. So be realistic and explain your patients that implants may fail but it's long term success ratio is relatively high in comparison with all other substitute procedures to implants.


Here is how you can deal with some common objections raised by implant patients.


Objection 1: Implants are expensive


Any treatment which comes nearest to most natural replacement closest to what God has given will be having more cost than any intermediate or short term replacement. 

You should always give option of economical treatments to your patients while informing that they are far away from natural replacement and either intermediate or short span.


Objection 2: I don't want to go for surgery


Always tell the patient that placement of an implant is 30-60 min procedure with single local anesthesia and it usually do not have any post operative complications.

(In fact I personally feel that it is less complicated than surgical removal of tooth. It really does absolutely no complications if one follow strict sterilization and disinfection protocol)


Objection 3: Implants warranty and longevity


You can say that it works long term except the prosthesis which might have to be changed and if you follow strict & proper cleaning and maintenance (which in fact required in any body procedure or replacement) then it's almost permanent. You should also suggest the patient that mostly complications come in first few months. Implant companies are giving life time warranties so even if implant fails there is a scope of re-procedure.


Objection 4: More implants means more money to be spent (for full mouth cases)


You can confirm with the patient if he is looking for long term or short term solution. Explain the patient that if he wants, good aesthetics, mastication and phonetics then definitely implants are the only choices. Implants cost few more bucks but it is still cheap with the kind of health and quality patient gets. In fact all the current replacement procedures like Total Knee Replacement, CABG, Stents, Hair Transplant etc are not economical too.


Friends, implants are miracle in dentistry. If you really want to grow your practice then do Implants. The more you place implants, more confident you will get and when you have confidence you automatically get that positive energy to explain. And believe me if you follow these things in your initial days of implant practice; in future you will never ever have to worry about question & answers by your patients. 


And lastly don't worry. Do implants!

Money is really By-product...

Don't go for it rather go for EXCELLENCY ..!

Source : DentistFriend

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