Wednesday 26 January 2022

Challenges Faced By Married Women In Dentistry & Solutions!


Challenges Faced By Married Women In Dentistry & Solutions!

The life of a woman is a series of multitasking jobs. She studies, takes care of her parents, has a career, gets married, takes care of her new family and also ensures to shape the future of her kids. In this entire cycle, her career can sometimes reach the pinnacle of success but majority of times, it takes a back seat. I’m happy to share this real ground bottom reality with everyone and overwhelming odds we face day in and day out in our personal and professional life. I know a few people would disagree with my views but I am also sure that many women dentist would agree with what I have to say.

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Recently, I was at a dental awards function and I got to know about a lot of success stories of women in dentistry but, somewhere within me a question kept coming about the indomitable spirit of a woman which lies in her home, the home that she nurtures in her heart and mind. For a woman dentist the biggest challenge is whether she should be a hands on dentist or a hands on mother, wife or both.


I have read, seen and experienced how a married woman dentist undergoes 360 degree change once they are on family way. Childbearing and rearing, family responsibilities and social commitments have a deep impact. Though some woman are able to break the cultural and the psychological barrier and rise, on the other hand some give in to the family pressures .The decision is either to do part time or a full time practice or to completely quit for family and domestic commitments. This decision does not depend on her alone but also on the family support that she gets willingly. Our profession is mentally and physically demanding and though women are considered mentally strong, under certain circumstances we all can have stress and burn out. A woman dentist is considered successful if she has balanced her family and professional life.


The thin line between success and failure can be overcome by the following modalities;

1. One can start group practice with like minded women

2. Specialization is the key: One can devote her time to a particular specialty be it Cosmetic Dentistry, Endodontics etc.

3. You can keep the work hours flexible and take appointments at a suitable time. The bottom line is that the practice should not be dependent on you and should be able to run on an auto pilot mode.

4. Last but not the least,  a dentist being a life partner for her can be a blessing in disguise.


To end it all I would say being a woman is the most wonderful gift of God and let not the woman in each of us hamper our professional success and personal commitment.

The pressures shouldn’t bog down the energy to do it all and keep achievement as the essence of womanhood, be it in your personal or professional life. Be persistent. The ambition with which you walked into your undergrad school on the first day and the dreams and aspirations you hold so dear to your heart should keep firing the fuel of your ambitions and  you should be a go getter

There is much more to the womanhood that each one of us can see. So thumbs up to the woman power until we meet again…….

Source : DentistFriend

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